The Sixth Street Bridge is Here to Stay 

Silverlandia News in Los angeles

Have you made it to the Sixth Street bridge yet? Did you walk across it or drive across it yet? When it comes to civic products in the Silverlandia area, there are few that are bigger and longer-awaited than this one. This has been a long time in the coming and it’s continued to be open for operation even after some recent, regrettable setbacks. In addition to being a help with traffic, it’s also quite beautiful to look at, too – one more amazing piece of architecture in our neighborhood. 


Our Bridge 

The good news is that, despite certain accidents, there have yet to be any injuries in any of the accidents, fortunately. There was an accident within the last week or so where, unfortunately, the driver of one of the cars fled on foot abandoning their vehicle. The police closed the bridge in the wake of the crash and then conducted an investigation. 

Not long after, the guilty party turned himself in at the LAPD Central Division. There, he was charged with a hit-and-run misdemeanor as well as lying to officers, speeding, and reckless driving. 

Being Smart on the Bridge 

Alas, that accident and the fleeing from that accident were not the only negative actions that recently occurred on the bridge. If you’ve been on social media recently, it’s entirely possible that you’ve seen folks taking selfies while driving, doing “doughnuts” on the bridge during moments of (seemingly) little traffic, and so forth. Hopefully, these behaviors subside as the bridge becomes more of a part of our community. 

That way, more and more people can enjoy this bridge as well as our area in a safer way. To learn more about the bridge and to see it for yourself, you can click on this link

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